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Monday, November 18, 2013

Type Lessons

Note : Practise this exercise for 2 days . asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj  

 ask had dad lad gas ass all sad lad jag hall fall flag slash glass flask flags dash glad flees salad shall hash shah

 EXERCISES - 3 & 4 1.
qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu

Note: Practise this exercise for 2 days.

 qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu qwertr poiuyu


 qwertfa poiuyj; qwertfa poiuyj; qwertfa poiuyj; qwertfa poiuyj; qwertfa poiuyj; qwertfa poiuyj; qwertfa poiuyj; qwertfa poiuyj; qwertfa poiuyj; qwertfa poiuyj; qwertfa poiuyj; qwertfa poiuyj;

 ate how ate how ate how ate how ate how ate how ate how ate how ate how ate how ate how ate how


 ate how top tip off his for hat ore our ear the air old law fit ill awl did saw eye ago age ego paw hit art gap how low era try did you get got use day toe sky far see sea was yet owl shy dip


 lead rate laws gold rent weak week poor task year your head that from with over type like rest else sell high sold gold does stop what part wait sure goes fair fare hold hole wish just good dark gear were wire area pure loud ship deer dear wide deaf help felt hour lake hate lest full fool last lost best rate only told fold cold show play fire hire hard look trip trap food list gist exit


these tasks after ahead right there light large right prior adopt adapt house rests sells field world lower stage stare sharp petty first order based party total rural other sorts argue power steel steal plead short jokes apply third shake reply ruled whole sheet greet great later speed total royal guard proud quiet quite agile legal silks jagged fails hedge kills deeds jaded dashed glide slights

 weaker weekly likely report people single rental higher should lowers design desire search really always growth threat powers assess future affair degree holder effort afford better latter hurdle series future
healthy without already shelter rightly present through feature reshape serious holders dislike EXERCISE-10
suppose perhaps delight student squatter priority possible struggle research farther further equipped

zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn zxcvc .,mnbn

 EXERCISES - 12 to 21 1
inn and inn and inn and inn and inn and inn and inn and inn and inn and inn and inn and inn and

EXERCISE-12 inn and man one but own ten job men not net any van hen now ant cat can

copy once knit five more born baby than rain made much home come many need plan been room find land them then seen very know vast snap nook over coal best make cool army from nine form farm firm gone deny meet meat lame soon time free ones

 value creed alarm midst urban being force place which limit plans grain point stock major norms india under acute boast boost women needs blame court globe again vital above exact watch match catch patch snatch think charm round among alive drove miles range prove could exist about above


 mother minute wanted aiming varied answer nobody record except system former farmer beauty expand island almost family travel abroad person policy Indian market number census become cities needed rising costly masses openly cannot breach normal tender longer defend cradle nation office colour linked modern occurs social living fabric monger unless reason extent export plenty impact course severe global manage import


 problem settled topmost gravity absence section society deprive privacy however indians confers violate himself enforce country inspire tragedy feeling oneness vitality several changes shrewd solicit comment average typical cluster arduous mention preface journey forever variety because expense million distant driving exhaust recover routine general adverse organic economy science poverty assumed radical obvious process achieve improve between pattern destiny umpteen bovine


 majority standard approach alarming pavement appointed demanded suitable planning decision ministry practise conflict honestly cultures industry intimate content widening tensions casteism patience cohesion manpower advocate adequate purposes provided services motivate separate accuracy personal business relation purchase security contract recently involved consensus interrupt


 incentive secretary encourage certainly entertain certainly committee closeness expansion permanent tradition wonderful excluding including reservoir challenge necessity standards according tenements casualty important promotion principle criticise dismissal religions basically forgotten feudalism democracy political essential solutions transport education

difficulty phenomenon importance everywhere sufficient congestion facilities population increasing decreasing activities investment commission colleagues government scientific experiment enthusiasm conclusion particular department confidence continuous visibility validation completely historical geography


environment accordingly prosecution expectation resignation integration unfortunate reorganised subsistence agriculture progressive egalitarian operational communalism individuals significant competitive recruitment improvement exclusively inclusively qualitative preparation prohibition exploration intelligent unsolicited electronics


 complication relationship urbanisation civilisation construction constitution nevertheless unemployment parochialism quantitative accommodation psychological modifications institutional qualification indispensable contradiction responsibility developments developmental